Programs for Counselors

Click to watch two instructors from our Guidance Program share their experiences, from appreciating the diverse makeup of their incoming classes, to watching students grow into focused professionals.

Alfred University’s Downstate Programs through CITE offer practical, convenient, affordable courses for working professionals.

Master’s Degree in School Guidance Counseling

Certificate of Advanced Study in Mental Health Counseling

Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling

Founded in 1836, Alfred University is the second oldest coeducational college in the United States. Alfred strives to be an innovative leader in the delivery of academic excellence and enduring educational value, preparing all students for success in their studies and throughout life.

Alfred University has been recognized for its excellence by the Brookings Institution, US News & World Report, The Fiske Guide to Colleges, the Princeton Review, and Forbes, among others.

CITE is a proud partner, helping extend Alfred’s reach. We aid in delivering Alfred’s innovative Master’s Programs in Mental Health CounselingSchool Counseling, a Certificate of Advanced Study in MHC, in and around NYC.

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